

Home Daddy

Fairwell London 2012!

Well the plan of not really drinking much last night didn’t work out so well. The wifey ended up driving me home, even though it wasn’t to the extent of the other night. Good times though – even my wife and daughter enjoyed themselves so don’t think it is all about me all the time people!

We really liked one of the houses we looked at and it ended up being within our range. I won’t say where it is located because I don’t want to give it away, but it was nice. Now let’s hope someone puts an offer on ours soon.

I got a chance to watch the Olympics a lot last night and today. As I said before, I really dig the actual events of the Olympics, even though I hate the opening and closing ceremonies. If you really think about it, winning any type of medal, whether it is gold or silver or bronze, has to be a surreal feeling. To train for how many years and for it to come down to you versus the world (literally), that is amazing. I love seeing the athletes’ emotions and how they break down with so much excitement. I can’t image what that feeling is when the game is over or the event is done with. It truly shows so much patriotism seeing them hoist the country’s flag around their back, being so proud of their own and their fellow teammates’ accomplishments. I love it.

I think I might take the little one up to Steelers training camp this week. She hasn’t been before but then again, she really doesn’t grasp the whole football thing just quite yet. This season I’m sure she will. She has her little Troy jersey that she wears around but that’s the only player she knows (cause of his hair!). She knows that daddy yells at the TV every Sunday watching the games so she has caught on to that! I can honestly say though that I never have said a swear word in front of her, thank you very much. I’m sure a lot of you guys out there can’t say the same!

Well, off to get dinner ready for the two girls in the house. We are cooking out tonight and also having some corn on the cob. Perfect Sunday to do so. I’m looking forward to it, but I need to get my ass off the computer and do it before the wifey makes her way in here!

So until we meet again…

HD (HomeDaddys!)

photo by: burge5k

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