Today I actually am not with my daughter as I’m dropping her off a little later at my aunt’s house so that I can have a day to run some errands and do a few things that I typically don’t get to do. I am looking forward to having grown-up conversations for an entire day! …
Monthly Archive: July 2012

Living The Dream
The rain continues here in Western Pennsylvania which means I have to get up off my lazy ass and actually cut the grass this weekend at some point. I honestly haven’t had to cut it in a month, just trim here and there. I should have been keeping up with the landscaping as well, but …

Back With a Heavy Heart
Sorry for the little hiatus, but now I’m back in full swing! First I want to send out my prayers to all of the families and people that were affected by the incomprehensible act last night in Aurora, Colo., during the premiere of the Batman movie. I can’t even fathom what happened nor do I …

Let It Rain, Let It Rain, Let It Rain…
It looks as if this area is finally going to get hit with some rain so it might be a full day of sitting inside with the little one – could be good or could be bad, we shall see. Then again, my yard is completely brown and needs the rain more than anything so …

Hump Day Blues…
Well I got my Potato Patch fries and man did they deliver! It was arguably the best day of the summer for me to be able to hang with my family on a beautiful summer day. For all you dads out there, take the time to make it happen. I don’t care about the stress …