

Home Daddy

Off To The In-Laws…

I never got a chance to make it up to Steelers Training Camp with the little one but I have a feeling she’ll see a few more in her life – she doesn’t have a choice if it is up to me! I can’t wait for Week 1 to get some revenge on the Broncos – we owe their ass!

The negotiation continues on my house, but I think we are getting closer. Also, we might be very close to putting an offer in on a house that we found as well! It is amazing, but it might be a little out of our range. Oh well, we shall see.

Tonight we are headed to my grandmother-in-law’s (is that a word?!?!) birthday party. I think she is turning 89, but I honestly don’t know! My daughter loves her grandparents though so it should be a good time for her at least (might I add I said “for her at least”). Tomorrow we have a kid’s party to go to which I can’t freaking wait (I’m sure you can sense the sarcasm). So this weekend is full of fun in my book!

My wife is having one of those weeks where work sucks and she is sad that she doesn’t get to see the little princess as much as she wants. These are the tough conversations to have since I’m the one staying at home and she is the one bringing in the money. We have these from time to time and I’m not sure we ever get anything resolved. I mean we did agree that this was the best case scenario for our family, but I’m sure she is just having a “moment” or her “time” of the month. I was kidding on the second part, relax!

Well I’m off to get the little one ready for the party tonight so that when the wife gets home, we can get out of here – quicker we get there, the quicker we can get home! Sorry, I shouldn’t say that. Just in the mood to sit at home and relax tonight rather than running around in the rain going to see the in-laws and such. I’ll keep quiet.

Until we meet again…

HD (HomeDaddys!)

photo by: Will Clayton

1 comment

  1. Sean

    “I was kidding on the second part” Haha – sure you were. We’re always just kidding about her time of the month when we make the mistake of accurately pointing it out. ;)


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